The Peaceful Children's Home
The Peaceful Children’s Homes were created in the aftermath of the devastating Khmer Rouge period (1975-79) and the subsequent Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia (1979-91). During this period, many Cambodians sought refuge outside of the country or in refugee camps on the Thai border. Following the Paris Peace Agreement (1991), Cambodia began to recover from this period of war and conflict. To the concern of humanitarian organizations such as UNICEF, large numbers of unaccompanied children, returning from refugee camps in Thailand, were in need of a home and assistance. In 1994, two prominent Cambodians, Son Sann and his son, Son Soubert, responded by providing the land and basic facilities that became the Peaceful Children’s Homes – one in Battambang, on the Thai border, the other in Kandal Province, outside the capital city of Phnom Penh. In 2020, the Peaceful Children's Home in Kandal was closed and the children were moved to PCH2 in Battambang.
The Executive Director of both Homes, and now of PCH2, is Veuk Chum who, together with his brother, grew up at The Peaceful Children's Home. Veuk holds a Bachelor of Management degree (2003) from Assumption University in Thailand. After several years of work in Thailand, Veuk came back as Executive Director of the PCH. The PCH is managed by the Khmer Foundation for Justice, Peace and Development (KFJPD) which has an international Board of Directors, including one Canadian.
Veuk Chum
Cambodia still struggles with poverty and development challenges. The Peaceful Children’s Home in Battambang continues to provide a permanent and nurturing environment to girls and boys who have been orphaned, abandoned or rescued from the street. Functioning like a big family, the Home provides the children with a safe and healthy environment. Although conditions in the Home are modest, emphasis is placed on values such as sharing, self-reliance and ethics, as well as education. The children attend local schools, receive extra classes at the Home, and many go on to technical studies or university. University graduates are encouraged to give back, through a revolving fund, to enable other students from the Home to pursue their university studies.
From the outset, the Homes emphasized traditional Khmer music and dance, which had been eradicated during the Khmer Rouge period. The children and young people at PCH1 had the privilege of being taught by Ms. Em Theay, Royal Ballet Dance Grandmaster, designated one of Cambodia’s “National Treasures”. Sadly, Em Theay died in 2021 at the age of 89, but the training she provided to generations of PCH young people lives on.
Find out firsthand what it's like to visit The Peaceful Children's Homes:
Impact of Donations
All proceeds go directly to the Peaceful Children’s Homes. Since 2006, through our fund-raising concerts, IC4C has raised over $125,000; these funds have gone towards food, health and educational needs of the children and youth at the Homes. Our contribution has also emphasized the importance of education, including university studies, with an emphasis on education for girls.
Other examples of current and past use of IC4C donations:
Providing sanitizer, disenfectant and rubber gloves, as well as necessary medical assistance, during the Covid-19 pandemic
Providing much-needed medicine and medical care to children at the Battambang Home who were affected by water-borne diseases after the devastating 2013 and 2020 floods
Providing extra classes to the children, to allow them to expand and improve their primary and secondary studies
Purchasing seeds and tools, allowing the children and young people to grow their own food and become more self-reliant
Providing solar panels to Home 1 to replace the old panels which were no longer providing electricity
Donate to IC4C!
All proceeds go towards the food, health and educational needs of children and young people at The Peaceful Children's Home in Cambodia, as well as to supporting their response to COVID-19.
By Interac e-Transfer, sent to
By cheque, sent to 213 Crichton St, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1M 1W3
By credit card, through our online store (Please note that using this method, 3% of your donation is lost to service fees, so we encourage you to donate by e-Transfer or cheque whenever possible)
Please note that tax receipts are not available at this time.